Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lip Gloss

I went to Bikram (yoga) this afternoon and on my walk home I could only think of two things, Peanut M&M's and LIP GLOSS. CVS suddenly jumped out at me (how kind) and before you knew it I'd blown 250 calories and 100 bucks!! The lip gloss success percentage was pretty high, 2 out of 3 were winners! One of my most favorite lip glosses (repo) is L'Oreal Colour Juice in Golden Splash, which is pretty much L'Oreal's version of a Lancome Juicy Tube. It's creamy and sparkly with the perfect golden glow. Ends up being the gloss your girls are asking to borrow on every girl's night out!  Winner #2 is Neutrogena Lip Smoother in #50 Sheen, think a red popsicle stained mouth, wet and glossy to perfection (love!) So shiny and moisturizing, and to boot it smells like fruit punch. The third purchase, which I did NOT like at all, was Physician's Formula Plump Potion in Pink Crystal. Too gloppy and sticky for me. If I'm looking for a bee stung mouth I'll stick to Fusion Beauty LipFusion Lip Plump. Better formula, packaging, lip brush and my lips don't stick together - talking is very important to me! ;)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog! You are my style guru - I totally trust what you've got to say! Can't wait to go buy some fab new lipgloss!!!

Jaymi said...

I can't wear freaks me out when my hair sticks to my lips. Phobic?? Maybe.

But, your descriptions kinda made me want to go buy one. ;)