Sunday, July 20, 2008


I must introduce you to a new and faithful friend ... drum roll .. Time Balm concealer, by The Balm. Ta dah, mis amigos, it is unbelievable! 

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been dealing with some pain in the rump blemishes, especially on my forehead, and though Clinique Almost Makeup has helped incredibly with redness reduction and overall skin tone, The Balm has saved the day coverage wise.

It comes in 4 shades and is even said to be a treatment for your under eye area; The Balm says to dab a bit on before bed and you will awaken more fresh (who couldn't use that, right?!)  Personally, it is a tad dry for under my eyes, but as a blemish concealer, I am not sure there is a better one out there. I have used nearly every brand and I gotta say, The Balm has made me feel human lately on some terribly insecure skin days. The greatest thing about it is it lasts. I cover up in the a.m. and by day's end I am still in the game! This little pot of love is $17, I mean why not?!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Clinique Almost Makeup

With a move back to New York City, and the start of a new job, I have been swamped. A bit swamped to fill you in, but not too swamped to stop by Sephora and pick up a few new things.

A big move, water, temperature changes, hormones, stress levels, can all have a huge effect on one's skin. I was pretty upset recently, in the midst of all of these personal changes, to wake up with a patch of acne on my forehead. I have tried to drink more water, watch my sugar, etc, but nothing is working (pretty much the worst!) So outside of treating my skin, I decided to pick up a foundation to minimize some of the redness and even out the rest of my skin tone.  Something light, not too heavy, it's summer!

Clinique's Almost Makeup did the trick. I had no idea how much red I had in my skin until I applied this very light and natural foundation, and saw the immediate results. I feel more confident and less focused on my forehead's blemishes and Almost Makeup is oil-free, waterproof and has an SPF of 15, so I feel protected too. The greatest thing is, it is affordable at $19.50 per tube! You can purchase this product at or at any counter that carries Clinique. Give it a shot, I promise you, you will not be disappointed.